Dying to Know

Gathr is now Dying to Know!

We're so pleased to announce that "Dying to Know: Ram Dass and Timothy Leary" is now available to be seen "Theatrical On Demand" via the Gathr platform.

What is Theatrical on Demand?

Theatrical On Demand® allows individuals like you the opportunity to organize and promote Dying To Know: Ram Dass and Timothy Leary in movie theaters across the country. With Theatrical On Demand®, you can bring the film you want to see play in your local movie theater.
It is easy. You just pick the date, time, and theater where you want to host your screening. Gathr Films will set everything up for you. It doesn't cost you anything to host a Theatrical On Demand screening. You don’t have to pay any screening room rental or exhibition fee. All you have to do is promote the film and get people to reserve tickets.

Visit Our Gathr Page to Learn More

If you just want to see DTK in theaters again or missed it the first time around but aren't interested in hosting a screening visit the same link above and check to see if a Gathr screening is happening in your community.

Thank you for helping to keep the conversation going and thank you to Gathr for providing this amazing platform to make it happen.

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